Education is an essential tool for individuals to break the cycle of poverty and to help in the progression of national development. Zambia is home to 6 million children under the age of 18 of which 4 million children are of the primary school age (5-14), thus children make up over 50% of the population. Although Zambia has made some progress in increasing access to education to its children and the demand for education is high, more than a quarter of a million children are out of school and 47% of those enrolled in school do not complete primary school.
One way that the government is working to ensure that a child finishes primary school is to promote early childhood care and development education for children aged six and below. It has been shown that children who participate in early childhood education are more likely to enrol and remain in primary school as well as achieving better results, than those who cannot access comprehensive early childhood care.
Eventhough free primary education at government schools from grades 1 to 7 was introduced in Zambia in 2002, primary education is not without its extra costs such as uniforms, books etc. costs which are sometimes out of reach for certain households. Once a child completes grade 7 then further challenges may present themselves because education between grades 8 and 12 (junior/senior secondary) and tertiary education are all fee paying which can also be out of the reach of many households, as a result students may drop out of school and will never progress to secondary school or higher education. Apart from these extra costs, access to and continuation in education can be hindered by other factors such as inadequate teaching materials, inadequately qualified or no teachers, failing school infrastructure, lack of a school close to home and not enough schools to provide places for all the children, amongst other things.
The Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust aims to implement several projects in Zambia in order to address these and other educational issues, as listed below.
Please refer back to this page periodically to see if we have implemented any new programs.

In the future as our charity grows we are aiming to implement several new projects. Keep a lookout on our website periodically to see if there are any new upcoming projects.