Individual rights
Our work centre’s on children, the youth and adults, so we aim to protect the rights of those who participate in our projects especially relating to their right to an education. We also expect our trustees and partner organisations to protect the rights of those who participate in our projects.
It is very important that we demonstrate integrity in everything that we do, to ensure that our actions and decisions are all based on ethical standards. We expect all of our partner organisations and those who are involved in our projects to respect their responsibilities, to work ethically, professionally and with integrity to gain the respect and trust of those around them, so as not to compromise the reputation of the charity.
Governance and accountability
We aim to make good governance and accountability of the utmost importance within the charity. We will hold ourselves accountable to those who are part of our projects, as well as to any partner organisations that we work with and all of those who contribute to our work. Working with our partners we aim to foster a strong sense of partnership and greatly believe that this should be a two-way process. We will seek to encourage and invite feedback from our partners on our performance as a means of monitoring the effectiveness of our work. We will ask our partners to provide reports throughout the year as well as annual audited accounts.
Each year our trustees will aim to undertake visits to Zambia to monitor and help develop our current and new projects. During that time we will aim to make time to meet with our partners and or those who are participating in our projects, we will reflect on any issues so that we can work through these together and in turn we will celebrate the successes. By monitoring and evaluating our projects we will not only be able to check that what we are doing is effective, but it will also help us identify any reasons for successes and failures which we can learn from that will help us in the future as the charity progresses and grows. This will help us to learn better from our experiences, improve our services to our partners and those participating in our projects as well as allowing us to report more accurately to all our donors. We will make sure that our accounts are subject to full audit and we will provide annual reports which will be available to anyone upon request, allowing us to show transparency within the charity.
In the UK and with the help of our supporters from around the world we will strive to increase awareness about the impact and implications of educating the Zambian child, youth and adult. We will aim to do this by providing accurate and up-to-date information available on our website as well as giving talks when requested. As a result this advocacy work will form an essential and important part of our work to raise awareness of the charity highlighting our fundraising, communication and project activities. Most importantly through our advocacy work as well as inspiring others to advocate for us about education in Zambia we aspire to bring about change to drive the advancement of education in Zambia.