Personal life
Away from his professional life Dr Kaluba loved being with people. He always had time, a story or piece of advice for everyone regardless of their background. If he did not have the answer he almost certainly knew someone who did. Stories of his childhood and experiences were always brought to the fore. Despite one or two sounding a bit fanciful their authenticity could always be verified.
At the weekend he loved nothing more than to prepare a meal for the entire family to enjoy. Fish was a particular favourite of his.
He was fortunate to carve a out a career which enabled him to combine his love of travelling and photography. It was rare to see him without a camera by his side. His subjects could be described as everyday life. He just wanted to capture a moment in time.
It was 1975 and a trip to Stockholm which was to be the start of his globetrotting. During the next 38 years he travelled to virtually every commonwealth country, African country and all but one of the earth's continents. Whilst almost every trip was connected with his work, he always found time to mingle with the local people and sample some of their culture. Not bad for a boy from Luanshya town.
All throughout his life he never forgot his roots. He was a firm believer that you must share the little that you have.
Professional life
Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba’s career began at Nkrumah Teaching College where he trained as a Teacher. After obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree from the university of Zambia he became a Lecturer in the Department of Education in 1980. This is where his career as an Educationist began. Between 1980 -1982 he attended the Institute of Education, University of London, and attained a Masters. He later returned in 1986 as a research student and was awarded a PhD in 1990. In 1993 he joined the Commomwealth Secretariat as a Chief Programme Officer. He subsequently went on to Head the Education Social Transformation Programmes Divison. A position he held until his retirement from the Secretariat in 2009. Following his retirement from the Commonwealth Secretariat he joined the Zambian Open University as Deputy Vice Chancellor.
In conjunction with various international organisations he was an instrumental catalyst in many reforms pertaining to teacher support and management issues in Africa. He successfully negotiated the establishement of Teacher Management and Support action plan in 15 African Ministries of Education in Southern Africa. He was a firm believer in education for all. His legacy will remain with us and continue serving educational development in Africa.