
“Whatever little you have, share it with others” Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba.
Using this quote as your inspiration, share what you have with others and make a donation. Donations help us in our commitment to the advancement of quality education and training in Zambia.
Volunteering for the Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust is very rewarding, it allows you to meet new people and learn new skills. You are able to use your ethusiasm, ideas and energy to raise funds that will change the lives of children, youths and adults in Zambia by facilitating access to and advancing the quality of education and training. There are several things that individuals and groups can do to volunteer for the DHLK Educational Trust.
Volunteer from Home
Network, network, network, use your network of friends, family, colleagues etc. to help increase the number of the DHLK Educational Trust supporters, the more support that we have the closer we will come to realising our objectives to advance the quality of education and training for children, youths and adults in Zambia.
Become a DHLK Educational Trust spokesperson at your local school, community centre, social group etc. Advocate our message to all of those that you meet. If you would like to discuss anything please contact us here, we can also provide you with materials for your talks.
Form a DHLK Educational Trust group where you get together with friends and set yourself some fundraising goals for a month or for the year, these goals could be to run a marathon, organise an event etc. your group may choose to recruit more supporters so that you can work together to achieve these and many more fundraising goals.
Volunteer at events
Volunteer as a helper at a DHLK educational trust fundraising event, whatever your age, ability, however much or little time you can spare, we can always find something for you to do and your services would be greatly appreciated.
Organise fundraising events. Tap into your networks of friends, family and colleagues to organise events whether big or small to raise money.
If you would like to volunteer for an upcoming event or would like more information about volunteering with us, please contact us here. If you are organising an event you can contact us here to request a fundraising pack.
Thankyou for your generous donation it is greatly appreciated