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DHLK Educational Trust
DHLK Educational Trust

Our History

We are an organisation that is registered as a charity by the Charity Commission (Charity number 1179375), click here to learn more and read our constitution.  The Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust is a charity that was established in the memory of Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba.  Throughout his employment career Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba worked as an educationist, he advocated for education for all; and was committed to improving the quality of education and training in the developing world.  The Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust aims to keep this legacy alive.          


Our Mission


The Dr Henry Langazye Kaluba Educational Trust is committed to facilitating access to education for children, youths and adults who are in need, to improve the quality of education and training in Zambia and to encourage others to advocate for education for all whilst also allowing these persons to break the cycle of illiteracy and poverty.     


Our Vision


By facilitating access to education and improving the quality of education and training in Zambia, this will allow for children, youths and adults to become empowered through education.  Education will enable them to make a significant impact in their lives, giving them the tools to succeed within their educational career and beyond, so that they are able to carry out their duties to develop a stable livelihood; and so they may become a responsible, productive and engaged member of society in the future.  Through providing educational opportunities we believe that this will impact several areas of people's lives including improved health especially the health of children, reduction in poverty, empowering girls and women as well as promoting their rights and increased income amongst other things. 


It is widely known that educating the children and youth of a nation has far reaching implications most importantly in the area of national development, greatly affecting economic and human development.  We believe that education is a basic human right, a quality education leads to empowerment and is the key not only to an individual’s but also a nations future.



DHLK Educational Trust



London, United Kingdom

Lusaka, Zambia


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